Consultation Fees
Contact me for estimated fees and timelines. Do you have a project in mind but don't know how to begin? I can help with:
Contractor for Public Art and Art Exhibition: development, project management, calls for artists, contracts, selection committee processes, event coordination, contracts and communications.
Professional development for Arts Administrators: project management selection committee ethical guidelines, confidentiality and conflict of interest, access and diversity wise practices, event coordination, policies, cultural relationship wise practices.
Professional Development for Artists: Artist statements, project/ exhibit proposals, research and theme development, grant editing, artist fee schedules, copyrights, marketing basics, getting organized, photo basics.
Connector to artists, expert guest speakers, and instructors.
Art Commissions for Landscapes, Portraits, Pets
See something you would like to purchase? Contact me to if it is available! I am open to commissions.
Fees are based on size, materials and time
Painting - wood, paper, canvas
Drawing - wood, paper, canvas
Ceramic - low-fire wall hanging, sculpture
Artwork purchases and commissions: dawn.saundersdahl AT
Public Art, exhibits, professional development: Indigenouspublicart AT
Listen Studios, Retreats, Workshops: creativeretreats2022 AT
Galerie Cite Curator: galeriecite AT
Whyte Museum: dsaundersdahl AT