University of Calgary School of Medicine Mural
Dawn created and developed this call for artists, mentors and selection. This was an opportunity for an Indigenous artist mentor and artist mentees to create a large mural for display above the Feasby Student Lounge in the Cumming School of Medicine. The intent of the murals is for Indigenous artists residing within the Treaty 7 region (Blackfoot Confederacy, Tsuut’tina, Stoney Nakoda, and Métis) to have a space to express their perspectives on inclusion, health and healing. And to create a space that is welcoming to and inclusive of Indigenous peoples. Led by mentor Jared Tailfeathers, artists Sikomh Kokomii, Kamâmak, Suwatâga-Mu and bb iskwew created 4 mural panels. Watch the videos about the making of the murals, interviews with the artist and read about the project here
Ktunaxa mural - Akisqnuk Recreation Centre
Dawn assisted Lillian Rose from Akisqnuk First Nation to collect photographs of local community members to include in the mural, developed contracts and outreach to community about the intentions and how to get involved with the project.
Town of Canmore - Celebrate Canada’s 150 murals
Dawn was the administrator and grant writer for the Celebrate Canada 150th mural. Based in the seeds of the Bow Valley mural project, emphasizing reconciliation with local Indigenous communities and youth. Five murals were created throughout the Bow Valley which were part of Canada’s 150th year celebration. Each wall was conceived in consultation with local Indigenous Elders and youth, through multiple workshops, exploring themes of belonging, inclusion, connection and reconciliation with our country’s First Peoples. Lead artists were Lucie Bause, Jarus and Jason Botkin. You can read more about the project here!
Town of Canmore - Lawrence Grassi School mural
Developed by Dawn while with the Town of Canmore Arts and Events department, this mural was led by Edmonton Artist AJ Louden, Grade 8 Stoney Nakoda students from Exshaw school and Grade 8 students from Lawrence Grassi School in Canmore to create this mural. Indigenous Elders and local community members were consulted in the development of the imagery and story for the mural in 2016. Mural has been decommissioned.
Edmonton Arts Council Street Art program
Dawn was the lead project administrator for this two-year pilot project that allowed local artists to legally practice their street art in two locations. The project strengthened the voices of Edmonton’s street art community and renewed conversations on key issues. Idea-generating workshops launched a series of permanent and temporary murals into high gear.
The Works Art & Design Festival Giant Gateways
Dawn built relationships with artists and local street/graffiti artists, the Giant Gateways advanced a highly accessible and inclusive process. Built on extensive networking and capacity-building workshops, allowed locals to connect/gain trust within Edmonton’s underground arts community, while exploring ways to collectively manage energies, emotions, experience, and ethics within that unique cultural landscape. Artists from 2009-2012: Dean Stanton, Chuck Wissinger and EnMasse. Learn more here.